Crazy Life
The wedding pile
For those of you who have never been over, or seen the virtual apartment tour I posted a while back, our apartment is pretty tiny. While there’s plenty of room for us, and the small size keeps prevents us from… Continue Reading
Dishing it up
Where is time going??? Today’s adventure actually happened almost a week ago, last Friday to be exact. And although I meant to write about it immediately, here we are, a week later. Whoops. As the today’s title might suggest, today… Continue Reading
Spotlighting my Filofax geekdom, or, how to embarrass yourself in front of your favorite author
Many of you know that I’m a big reader. In fact, you can even keep up with whatever I’m reading in real time in my “Currently” section. What you may not know, however, is my favorite author. That answer would… Continue Reading
I love you, Mom
Hi Mom, I miss you like crazy. All the time. Don’t worry, I’m still moving on with my life, especially because I know you’d come back and kick my ass if I sat around feeling sorry for myself. But it… Continue Reading
That is some pig!
Ok, so you’ll have to excuse the terrible Charlotte’s Web reference in the post title (for anyone who caught that). Probably not my most heartwarming analogy, but it was just way too easy! Anyway, I’m super excited to share that… Continue Reading
Bye bye, Bobble! aka things i like: the Nalgene
Remember back in November when I confessed my love for this guy? Well, I’m sad to report that we have fallen out of love. Our relationship was great while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end,… Continue Reading
Wedding planning: Malden strikes back
Now that wedding planning seems to have kicked into extreme overdrive, staying organized is more important than ever. Not that I should have a problem with that, right? Remember this guy that I deemed the best wedding planner around? And… Continue Reading
Down-home BBQ
Before we were engaged, Brian and I didn’t really spend too much time talking about our future wedding. I think we both knew it was going to happen, but since he’s not a big planner and I’ve never been the… Continue Reading