Crazy Life: #clouds
Crazy Life: Beautiful night for a run :)
Crazy Life: My buggy :)
Bags for sale!
For any of you who didn’t see on Facebook, I’m trying to sell a few amazing bags. Before tackling eBay, I thought I’d share them with you! Basically, this all started when I found an amazing bag I’d love to… Continue Reading
Things I Like: basil lemonade
Ever since working at an Italian restaurant through college, basil has been one of my favorite cooking ingredients. It just makes everything better: pizza, sandwiches, and salads all benefit from this yummy herb. This summer, I’ve been hooked on a… Continue Reading
Poor Frankie…
This is what happens when I get home from work early and don’t want to clean the apartment, or pay the insane grooming fees they try to charge for his breed. Poor Frankie, even he looks embarrassed!