Photo Friday #3
No words, just sky 🙂
No words, just sky 🙂
I probably shouldn’t call this a recipe of the week post, especially since I’m not quite sure if I’m fully bringing that feature back yet. But, maybe advertising a recipe of the week will kick my butt into gear. I… Continue Reading
Amongst the many, many things I brought back from my childhood home, two have probably won out in terms of usefulness. Even though I’ve loved looking through old photos and adding items to my holiday decoration collection, my juicer and… Continue Reading
This is my church and my sanctuary. Also known as my running trail 🙂
A big part of the reason I’ve been silent on the blog lately is how busy we’ve been. While I’m used to the typical insanity, we’ve had an additional, overwhelming task that we’ve been hacking away at. And now that… Continue Reading
In an effort to provide you lovely readers with more posts to read, combined with my unnatural love of Instagram, I’ve decided to create a new little weekly series on the blog. Welcome to the first ever Photo Friday! Initially… Continue Reading
Ok, I’m not on the run from the law or anything (or at least not that I know of). But I am running again! Although I ran pretty consistently through the beginning of last year, even finishing my first 5k,… Continue Reading
Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like your head barely hits the pillow before you are up and starting the next day? Or where you only see your husband for the five minutes before you run out… Continue Reading
Today I’m going to be a bit mean, giving you just a sneak peak of a random project I’ve been working on. You see, after writing my post on finding your own planner perfection, I began to wonder if I… Continue Reading
Well, this is a feature I meant to start at the beginning of the year… these excuses seem to be commonplace here on my blog lately. Anywhoo, since I typically have quite a few blog posts during the month, I… Continue Reading