The cover is some sort of thick, tear-proof stock with a plastic overlay (I chose the spring-turquoise cover with custom text). The box included a sample of the cover material. Of course I tried tearing it, and was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t rip. I also ran it under water (it claims to be water resistant) and didn’t notice any water damage. The notebook pages would certainly be ruined before anything happened to the cover.
One thing I did notice was that the plastic overlay is a bit scuffed. Nothing too terrible (I’m sure I’ll add plenty of my own scuffs) but it was a bit disappointing. There is also a tiny crack at the very top by the coil, but it doesn’t appear to go all the way through so I’m hopeful I won’t have to worry about it chipping off. Otherwise, I think the cover will do a great job protecting the notebook, and the coil itself appears to be very sturdy.
Inside, there is a two page spread for special dates, with each month listed. I chose the colorful option – they had a neutral version as well. The next spread is labeled ideas.plans.goals and has an additional 12 blank boxes. I’m not sure if I’ll use these for the suggested goal planning, or if I’ll add a second year of special dates.
Then begins the “meat” of the notebook. Plum Paper has endless combinations of page types and I was tempted by many of them. But I wanted to keep it simple. I started with the standard 60 page, dot grid notebook then added the maximum 100 additional pages of dot grid paper. This baby has 160 pages (320 back-and-front) of dot grid paper. I’m in heaven. It means that the book is super chunky, but since I plan to leave it at work 99% of the time, I’m not terribly worried about the size/weight.
At the very back of the book, there is a two-sided, secretarial pocket folder. It’s a welcome little inclusion that will be nice for the stray work document. I can’t imagine too many sheets will fit back there, but it is still a nice feature.
Overall, this appears to be a great (not so) little book that I can’t wait to start using for work. Hopefully I’ll be able to do an update with how I’m liking it once I’m able to get started a bit. I plan to use it as a Bullet Journal, so hopefully it’ll last me a looooong, time. I also did a quick unboxing – you can see a few of the features in the video below – enjoy!
*Side note – I paid full price for this notebook, in fact, Plum Paper has no idea I’m even writing this post. All opinions are my own.
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