I am super excited and super nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before. We’ve been training quite a bit so I’m feeling better about the distance, it’s the hills that scare me more than anything. Day 2, for example, has nearly 4,000 feet of climb. And people say Iowa is flat…
We’ll be riding with a team, so thankfully all of our gear will be transported on the bus and we’ll only have to carry the things we need. I’m hoping to do a “what I’m packing” post next week. As far as my ride, I’ll be on my trusty old Nishiki that I dug out of a bike shop in college. This was taken just over seven years ago right after my friend had tuned it up:
We’ve had so many adventures since then, though RAGBRAI will without a doubt be our biggest. I’m hoping to test some mobile posting next week so I can sneak in a few quick updates from the route. Otherwise, find me on social media to see what we’re up to from July 23-30. I’m thejordanpowers on Instagram, Twitter and Periscope. Is there anything in particular y’all would like to see from the ride?