I’ve always liked rainy days. Especially on weekends when I don’t have to be anywhere. When I can just curl up under a blanket, with tea and a book.
Lately, though, I’ve been appreciating rainy days any day of the week. Crazy, I know. Especially crazy when spring is just starting to appear in the midwest. Honestly? The appreciation stems from jealousy.
See, I’m still rehabbing from knee surgery. I’m making great progress, but I’m still banned from most activities. I am allowed to bike, but only on the trainer indoors.
Des Moines is a biking town. Pair a biking town with the first few days of spring and there are bikes EVERYWHERE. I pass several bike trails on my way home from work. On my way home to sit on the bike trainer. Indoors.
I realize that this is something incredibly silly to be so whiny about. But the outdoors, and especially being active outdoors, has become a huge part of my life. Being stuck indoors, at the risk of a total cliche, makes me feel like my wings have been clipped.
But today is rainy. Big, dark clouds have been rolling through all day long. I did see a few bikers on my way home, most darting tentatively across trails, eyes on the sky, waiting for the impending rain. I have no jealousy today.
I do have to go, though – it’s time to get on the trainer!