It is sorta functional, minus the triple doors. They frustrate me, but I can work with them. My bigger issue was how boring it is. It is definitely a stock cabinet with very little going for it. Since getting ready in the morning can be hard enough, I quickly decided that this sad cabinet needed a bit of pepping up.
Replacing the cabinet was out of the question (we’re renting, and don’t want to spend any more money than we have to on a place we don’t own). Instead, I pulled out all of our toiletry items and the shelves before raiding my craft supplies.
A few pieces of scrapbook paper, some measuring and about 15 minutes of time later, and I had this:
The triple doors still annoy me, but at least it looks a smidge less like a boring old stock cabinet. Plus, since I have a rather large scrapbook paper selection, this project totaled in at ZERO dollars. My favorite total for projects! Even if you did have to buy the paper, though, it would be tough to make this upgrade more than $5, tops. And get creative! I thought about using wrapping paper, but I didn’t have anything in the house that I knew Bri would agree to. Any funky paper, packaging or wrapping paper could make this project work.
It was a simple change, but it is really nice to go from seeing this every morning and evening:
To this:
Hooray for simple, affordable projects!
Have you been working on any penny-pinching-projects lately?
Love it! Are the papers attached, and if so how? It looks beautiful!
Hi Arlie!
They are! I suppose I should have included that! I had to cut the papers to fit, so I just attached them with a bit of double sided tape. It seems to be holding up so far!