And I mean rocky in the best possible sense, of course. I mean, come on, look at these beauties!
In all seriousness, Brian and I were thrilled to escape this past weekend – life has been a bit hectic with his classes wrapping up and me getting into the full swing of my job. So it was quite nice to make a little four hour drive to a beautiful climbing spot in northwest Georgia for a few days of climbing, hiking, and camping.

We did a LOT of hiking, and he kept up the entire time, most of it he was even off leash. And for anyone who has actually met Frankie (or is aware of his amazing sense of selective hearing) this was quite the feat. He even turned into a little rock dog from time to time.
It was most definitely a welcome break from life, especially as we’re gearing up toward finals week for Brian and an overall busy next few weeks for both of us. We have another trip planned in early June, so hopefully we can embrace these little escapes as we continue to throttle through our crazy life!
What were you up to this weekend?
I've been reading your blog for a while but this is my first comment. I found your blog via one of the (no idea which!) filofax blogs.
I love it when you post pictures of Frankie! Which breed is he? He's very cute.
Awe, thanks for reading and commenting, Vivian! Frankie is a Brussels Griffon – he's currently at my feet begging for attention! He's a spoiled little thing!