Regardless, here’s a look back at the month of July…
Although we found our new place at the end of June, I shared the first photos early in July – I can’t wait to move into our little postage stamp next week! I also shared a little of the waiting game we’ve been facing – waiting for a move in date, waiting to hear back from Brian’s school, waiting to hear back from any of the jobs I’ve applied for. Thankfully, we decided on a moving date. Now we just need to wait for the rest to fall in line.
To keep sane, I’ve been packing. And packing and packing and packing some more.
Fortunately for me, the packing is almost done. And fortunately for you, I decided to write a post all about packing tricks and hacks. Hopefully someone out there is moving and finds it helpful!
July wasn’t all packing and new houses – I even managed to sneak in a few recipes including one new tasty dish and Brian’s all time favorite dinner.
And that about wraps up July! It looks like August will be a big month, full of moving boxes, new experiences, and hopefully a new job!
How was your July?
Good luck with your move – I hope it all goes smoothly for you 🙂