Photo Friday #14

As much as I wanted to plant a huge garden this year, Brian and I resisted since we knew we probably wouldn’t be in our house past August. Instead, I bought a few potted basil plants and tried to call it a day. But then I saw a little Costa Rican sweet pepper plant while wandering the garden store and called it fate. After visiting Costa Rica for our honeymoon, Brian and I have loved finding all things Costa Rica. So I brought this little plant home and have been waiting patiently for some peppers to pop up. It took a while, but yesterday I FINALLY saw a few little baby peppers that had sprouted from the plant’s flowers. They are seriously tiny – about the size of a pad of a finger – but they are there!

It’s only a tiny bit of gardening for our crazy life this year, but the thought of eating something I grew this summer is so very exciting!

Do any of you have produce popping up in your gardens?



  1. No garden for us. We have SO many trees that it's hard to find a sunny spot for a garden. Plus we have an abundance of critters – rabbits, foxes, ground hogs, raccoons, squirrels and deer. They are NOT nice to a garden. Our neighbors have a garden but they fight like crazy to keep the animals out.

  2. Yes, we have a lot of squirrels, but not much else. So far our little pepper plant seems ok. But I remember the animals being a big challenge for my mom and her massive garden growing up!

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