May, overall, was a cold, rainy month. Then again, June isn’t looking much better so far. Even so, it proved to be another interesting month.
Early on in the month, I shared a Photo Friday where I rescued a baby bird I found outside my office building. Hopefully he’s recovered and has been released back into the wild – he was a feisty little thing!
Most of my other Photo Fridays involved the sky, both at home and by the lake house:
I also continued with the Recipe of the Week feature, though since life was a bit crazy I missed a few weeks. Oops. I did get around to sharing two of my favorites though – strawberries & milk and my homemade salsa.
After oogling Brian’s new bike for half a year, I finally bought my own motorcycle in May – he’s beautiful. Too bad he needs quite a bit of work before we get him running, not to mention I have to learn how to ride! But for now, I’m content just looking at him each time I open the garage.
The second half of may was a bit of a whirlwind, between Brian and I both applying for new jobs out of state, followed by Brian losing his current job, followed by finding out we weren’t going to be able to move as quick as we hoped. But, we are staying positive, moving one step forward at a time!
How was your May? Did it fly by, or drag on? Anyone have big exciting plans for June?