Despite the cold, dreary weather, we had quite a busy March. This business made me realize I really wanted to make my planning system more effective, which led to the creation of some very customized inserts. (Stay tuned for a long-delayed post on these, and a Filofax set-up video. Both are coming tomorrow)!
Brian and I also started running again this month and I was excited to get back to my usual pace pretty quickly. Not quite as excited about the rain and snow that kept me off the trails most of the month.
I also started Photo Friday in March, a weekly feature that allows me to share my favorite snapshot of the week with you lovely readers. Of course, the inaugural photo was the lovely Mr. P having far too much fun with some aloe at the grocery store…
March was also the deadline for clearing out my childhood home before it was sold, which meant a lot of bittersweet emotions were flying around. I am still so incredibly thankful for my amazing husband – I couldn’t have gotten through it without him. (Even if I sometimes forget how awesome he is when he’s embarrassing me in the produce aisle…)
Cleaning out my childhood home also meant finding all sorts of random things, including my juicer and dehydrator, both of which are being well used. I shared a few of my favorite juices with you, including a very colorful carrot/pineapple/ginger combo!
Finally, I brought back the Recipe of the Week feature, this time spotlighting the cornflake chicken that is on our dinner plates at least once a month. Let’s hope I stick with this feature better than I did last year – it’s already getting a lot of attention!
How was your March? Are you still trying to play catch up, or have you left it in the dust?
Loving the awesome aloe arms – lol :o)
Yeah, I've gotta love him I guess! 😀