Ironically, I’m feeling pretty motivated and awake today. Which is either because I’m crazy, or it’s some sort of defense mechanism my body and mind have created to save my sanity. Because after two 15+ hour workdays in a row, I feel like it should definitely be Friday by now.
In other news, I have a bunch of new blog post ideas coming up- now I just need to find time to write them. My potential new Filofax inserts are working really well, though I’m still battling with my changing-inserts-mid-year-OCD. As soon as I find time I’m going to tweak them a bit and see if the tweaks make them beat out my Franklin Covey inserts. At this point, they are going to be uber-personalized, but hey, it’s my planner so I should put inserts into it that work for me, right?
On the family front, Frankie the dog and the husband are doing well, when I get the chance to see either of them. I think Frankie is pretty pissed that I’ve been gone so much- he literally ran out the door with me this morning and refused to go back inside. I guess he should get some extra attention once I get home tonight.
The rest of this week doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Especially since this weekend is the last before my stepfather’s house sells- there is definitely more organizing/cleaning/sorting, etc. in my immediate future.
Any of you having one of those weeks? Let’s hope that next week brings a less hectic work schedule- I have so many personal to-dos building up on my list!
OMG – I thought that I was the only one having that kind of week! hahaha. I realized that today is only Wednesday. It definitely feels like it should be Friday.
Can't wait to hear about the new inserts!!
I am back in my personal Finsbury in Raspberry. I ordered the week on 2 pages and the day on 2 pages from FF. I don't think that I could handle the FC pages getting smashed. lol. I'm waiting for my monthly pages to come in from Japan Corner! So far, it's working really well. So I'm a little nervous to hear about your personalized pages!!
Have a good one! Our two tibbies (tibetan spaniesl) are feeling a little neglected, too!
Yay! So glad I'm not alone! Not that I wish a crazy week on anyone else, just sayin'…
And yes, As much as I've put up with the wide FC pages, it would be awesome to be able to put a pen in the loop on my Malden. It's never really bothered me before, but for some reason this year my pages keep snagging on the empty pen loop- my December monthly already has a big snag/tear in it 🙁
But fortunately my new inserts seem to be working well- I've just been noting a few tweaks I want to make. Hopefully all the work of printing, cutting, and punching doesn't drive me from using them!
Hopefully things will be better next week. I'm just glad that this week is OVER!! I hurt my neck so my body needs the rest – plus one of the RNs I work with thot maybe I was stressed out…another possibility! lol.
I almost went a little crazy on ebay with a pocket and then an A5. I really have to look at how much binders (non-FF) ones that I have and what is really practical. But the release of bidding on ebay was nice…just had to reign it in or a bunch of packages would be showing up on my doorstep and DH would not be too happy. lol.
I really want to stick with ONE filofax. There is a personal Malden in Black that I'm contemplating, though. Hmmm….it's a good price, too. But oh, well – gotta wait. 🙂
This is a busy weekend, but with my FF pages, I'm keeping things together. My next project is to track our finances in the FF. 🙂 Oh, and I give you credit for running again – that's on our list – exercise!
Have a good one!