This time around, I’m covering a topic that I received a TON of questions on. Before I even give you the questions, here is my answer: you need to accept that you can’t fit it all.
Somewhere along the line, I confused you all. While I certainly only have one planner, it does not by any means mean that I only have one system, or one capture device. My one planner in one binder is just that- a planner. I am not Mary Poppins with a never-ending Filofax (although how friggen cool would that be).
Because I somehow confused you all, I received several questions like this: Do you do your project planning in the one book too? Even really big projects? How do you archive it? How do you deal with lots of writing on tiny pages? How do you organize notes?
The solution is simple- it just doesn’t work to have it all in one planner. While I am fully on the one-planner bandwagon, I have also fully accepted that I need multiple systems to make my life work. While my day to day tasks and quick notes live in my planner, there is no way that I could effectively fit project notes for my work and personal lives. Trust me, I’ve tried.
This is where it goes back to the previous lesson- stop trying to conform to what you think you should use your planner for, and use it for what works for you!
While I still have a general binder setup video to get you, I figured I’d share with you all some of the items that are NOT in my planner. Some of these have honestly taken me a while to figure out, so maybe I’ll be able to save you some time and stress! Here is a rundown of the top three items NOT in my planner that you’ve all asked about.
I’ve been trying to use bound notebooks at work for years- it is only in the past year or so that I’ve figured out that bound notebooks just don’t work for me. I have trouble organizing the notes, and get frustrated carrying multiple projects in one place. Instead, I now use a perforated legal pad- I simply take any notes relating to a certain project on the page, tear out, and file it away in the associated project folder. Then I have a blank page for whatever note comes next, even if it is for a different project.
Again, it is simple, and not wrapped in beautiful leather, but it works. I have a ton of projects for work, so it just doesn’t make sense to try and cram them all in my Filo. When I have a project-related meeting, all I have to do is grab the project folder, the legal pad, and a pen and I’m set to go. Of course, the Filofax always comes for scheduling purposes. And once a project is completed, I just file the folder containing all notes and documents in my drawer. Since using this system, I’ve found it far easier to access old notes and documents, all the while keeping my Filofax a bit less pudgy.
Of course, the Filofax plays a huge role in the planning process, even if Mr. Malden doesn’t carry all the project notes. All scheduling is done in the Filofax, and I always make sure to put in any time-based tasks or deadlines. For running projects like this blog, I keep a single note sheet where I jot down post ideas. I also have an annual goals list tucked in the back, and I list my monthly goals on my monthly calendar pages. But outside of that, projects stay separate.
The one exception I made to this rule was during my wedding planning. While I did have a wedding planning book, it was massive- causing me to create a small wedding section in the Filofax. I used top tabs to keep track of things like ceremony, food, venues, honeymoon, gifts, etc. Each tab was just stuck onto a blank page which acted as a sort of dashboard for notes, business cards, confirmation notices, etc. After the wedding, I just archived the section along with my 2012 calendar. Done and done.
Well, speaking of done, I think this about wraps up this little lesson. I guess it wasn’t as short as I was hoping for, but hopefully this cleared up the misconception that I was a one-binder wonder woman. I’m a one-Filofax girl is all!
Did my explanation of these systems make sense? Do you have any questions on how I use them? Or any systems of your own you’d like to share? You know I’m an over-sharer… feel free to join in!
Next up will be a video tour of my current set up, and then I think we’ll call this little series a wrap!
Awww, J, I enjoyed those two posts soooo much! And thanks for the gorgeous pictures you added! I suddenly understand why some people have asked me on Twitter if I'm ready to part with my crimson Malden …. (he he)
Okay, confession time: when I read your system on the project note-taking (legalpad and manila folders), I thought "Huh? Can it really be THAT simple?" Cos, honestly, even long before my Filofax days, I never had such a system! It is so beautifully basic, totally cost-efficient (alt least here in Europe Manila folders and legal pads are just a few pennies) and why the heck wouldn't it work?!
I also loved your comment (in your previous post) about envying another system, while you know it wouldn't work for you. I know what you mean! E.g. I can spend HOURS browsing planner pictures and watching the video's from Suburbeanmom. Yet, I know if I would adopt her system, I would loose my mind within a few days, because I need more structure in my daily layout. Or how about the brightly stickered, beautiful colored pages from Angela (Paperlovestory)? Gorgeous! Yet, I'm personally very easily distracted by bright pictures or stickers in my planner.
In the end it's all about finding the system that is YOU, instead of trying to be someone else …
Thanks, Jotje!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos- I almost apologized in the post for their poor quality!
And yes, it really is that simple- at least for me! After trying so many more expensive systems, I (and my bank account) was happy to realize how simple I really needed to be.
Don't get me wrong, I still completely envy the systems of others, I've just managed to flip that switch that makes me need to try it. Looks like you've done the same 🙂
another great post J. this one comes right on time for me as I'm trying to figure out (a) why my planner is so FAT and (b) how can I make things a bit simpler. The biggest issue is because I carry 'projects/ideas' with me ALL the time and only access them once or twice. But i'm the type of person who thinks I need it with me everyday and I don't.
I also think that bound notebooks don't work either–I think I'm going to get yet ANOTHER lol ARC for my projects. They are lightweight enough that I can carry along w/my Filo in my bag if the need arises, but provide the same flexibility as my beloved Filo.
I think I'm going to go this route (separating projects out of the Filo), so thanks to you for inspiring me.
You're welcome, Kels! I also tried the Arc for projects, but ended up going back to my manila folder/legal pad system.
I hope the Arc works for you- once you find something that works, keep it!!!
Thank you for the great post! I am currently using a junior circa notebook and a digital calendar. I am still trying to figure out my system and what WORKS for me. 🙂 I have a personal finsbury in raspberry that I love but it wasn't working. I think about going back to it – but I always change planners and I need to choose one. 🙂
Looking forward to more great lessons!
Thanks for reading, Lisa!
And good luck finding the perfect planner! A good start might be to just sit and write down exactly what you are looking for. Is it lots of blank space? Very structured with sections for appointments, to dos, and notes? Are your days more appointment based, or task based?
Hopefully by figuring out exactly what you need, you'll be able to find a planner you love!
I use manila folders and note pads at work extensively too. I cram a lot of stuff I know I might need to access at any moment in my planner binder but the larger scale meeting notes, project plans and such go in folders in my filing drawer. When I'm going through a few weeks managing an intensive project, I do spend a couple of hours reformatting this info so I can have it in my planner, which saves me a lot of steps when I need to access a component of the project plan or list. However, I would not bother to do this if I was not away from my desk so often when working on projects. On those projects that are more desk based, none of the info goes into my planner. I don't need it.
I think for me, as a one-planner guy, the key has been to eliminate all junk from my system. For me, stickers and multiple colors can become visual chaos, so I now just use one pen and one pencil and have removed every single post it or sticker sheet from my planner. Ditto for plastic inserts (top opening envelopes, card holders, zip pouches, flyleaves, etc.) I just stuff the stuff that goes into these into the cover pockets or junk it.
One last thing, I don't worry about page size. If I have notes relating to a project in my planner and want to file them, I just drop the notes page into the folder. Works fine.
This was a great series!
Ooooh, I've totally thought about going down to one pen color as well (especially since I've discovered the Marvey Le Pen) but it probably won't happen until at least next year since I've already started this year with a color coding system and I hate changing mid-year.
Thanks for reading- this was a fun little series to do!
When I was working full-time, I never used my planner for anything work-related. I worked as a legal assistant and all the information was confidential. I had all my work stuff on my computer or I used a yellow pad. I used my planner for all my personal stuff and my schedule.
Now I'm home full-time and my "job" is my blog. I've tried putting my blog information in my planner but it's too much. So I keep short notes in there to be transferred later and most of my blog information is on my computer. It's working well but I was sad I couldn't keep it in my planner.
I don't keep my grocery list stuff in my planner either. My list is on the refrigerator. Like you, I keep a list of meals in my planner but I don't put them on specific days because they have a tendency to change!
Great post. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks! It's been fun learning how other people use their systems through these posts 🙂