Lessons in Filofax Fidelity: A Call for Questions

It has been brought to my attention that I am a bit of an oddball in the Filofax community (or a bit of an oddball in general, but that is a whole different topic). Anywhoo… I bought my first Filofax, a personal slate Domino, in November 2010. After spending a few months loving it, yet lusting for a “proper” Filofax, I bought a personal crimson Malden. And that is it. Literally. I have been using the same binder for going on two years.

I didn’t necessarily find this unusual until I started reading so many wonderful blogs where Filofax users simply can’t stick to one binder. Which isn’t necessarily a problem either, except that I’m hearing the one-binder life that comes so easily to me is what so many of you are looking for. So, after some not-so-subtle propositions (you all know who you are!) for me to teach a class/webinar, etc, I’ve decided to jump on board. You all got my wheels turning. But instead of a webinar or any sort of official class, I’m going to do what I do best: blog about it.

Which is where you all come in. While these will be traditional blog posts, I also want them to be more interactive. From day one. Hence today, I am calling for questions. I’ve already got all sorts of ideas on how to impart the use of a system without constant changes, from “stop trying to be perfect” to “what is it that I really need?”

But these are only the things that I think will help you all on the path to one-planner happiness. Instead of thinking, I want to know, so I’m coming straight to the source. In this unofficial blog class, what do you want to know? What questions do you have? What are your issues with only using one binder/insert style? What questions do you have about my system? These will all help me to hopefully help you. Which makes me feel a bit like Dr. Phil, but hey, what are you gonna do? Hey, I guess I could be Dr. Phil-ofaxy! Cue the horrible Filofax puns.

Humor aside, this really seems like a topic you all want more on. So, to get started, start commenting!



  1. So many questions…

    To begin, what order do you have your sections in. Personally I cave to the tyranny of diary first, but I suspect that's not the best answer.

    Secondly, what's your practice for used pages that aren't relevant anymore?

    Thirdly, I get the feeling that people actually enjoy setting up a new binder. Is that something you get a buzz from and if so how do you get it without changing binders?

    Finally, how do you deal with the angst that binder X might be better than your binder and that you're missing out?

    I'm a one-binder chap myself so I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas.

  2. Wow, thank you for all the great questions- I wouldn't have thought of most of these!

    Off to get started on some answers 🙂

  3. great questions ray!

    ok, here goes…

    1. what exactly do you have in your binder? what layout of diary pages? how much of the year at one time? what about tabs?

    2. what do you do when life throws you a major change and you find you need more (or, i suppose, less) diary page space?

    3. do you do your project planning in the one book too? even really big projects? how do you archive project stuff once you're on to the next project?

    4. how on earth do you cope with the FC / FF page size mixture in your binder?! i think i would be forced to kill myself with a rock if i mixed like that for 2 years, lol!

    5. what if you change handbags/seasons/etc? i suppose crimson does go with everything, but still…

  4. Bahahaha! I love it! I'll definitely incorporate these in as well- fortunately number 4 isn't true for me!

  5. I've always been a one binder person, too. I've used FC for 20 years and probably only had 4 binders during that time – one at a time.

    However, I've been playing around with FF lately and since I started doing that, I've purchased 3 FF. I never did that with FC so I'm not sure what's up. And I'm not actually using any of them. I originally got the malden so I could put my FC pages in it. I didn't realize they wouldn't fit. But I can't stand the way they fit. I don't know how you do it.

    I know that didn't really answer your question. I'm going to have to think on it.

  6. Interesting- I wonder what is so different about Filofax that made you more apt to switch binders?!

    Honestly, at this point, I don't remember what it is like to have a binder where the pages don't stick out… maybe that's why it continues to work!

  7. Ray already asked the most important ones but let me add my 2 cents:

    – I work on several cases. How would confidential information fit with personal items in one binder?

    – For some projects, I need a lot of writing space. That's why I moved over to A5 a while ago. How do solve that?

    – The order of the content has for me always been dictated by the rings. Where I write the most has to be on the right and at the end so my arm is not bothered by the rings esp when you will in Wednesday. How do you solve this or, does it bother you at all?

    – Do you use tabs aside from the standard dividers such as Avery at the top of the pages?

    – Contacts: do you keep full addresses or just a phone number?

    – Your work schedule changes and instead of detailed days you can now get by with weekly overviews. Do you buy a new insert or, tweak the old one?

    – if you stay in one binder does that mean that you only use one set of calendar inserts? Do you change those as life changes?

    – Have you ever used your binder as a wallet? Pros? Cons?

    That is it for now. Cheers, Alice

  8. Although I'm not looking to cut my collection to just one binder, I am curious to hear your answer to all of the above questions. It's the psychology of Philofaxy (Psychofaxy? Although maybe that's more to describe our states of mind…).

    On a day to day basis, I only use one binder. But because it's a compact, there's no way I could use only it, hence the stay-at-home personal Malden for everything else.

  9. I think that's why I've never considered blogging about it before- I didn't realize so many people wanted to simplify!

    Psyhofaxy- I like it!

  10. Oh, I love this! I have MANY questions on that! ;D
    Here comes:

    1- I may be too old school here but I write down every single password I have including the date when I update a password! Because I am afraid to loose all that info I leave in a binder at home. How do you keep your passwords? Do you write them down on your Malden and carry with you?

    2- I think Zoe already asked: Big picture planning? How do you do it?

    3- Same as Zoe again: Projects? How do you organize them?

    4- I struggle with the size dilema. I write a lot so A5s are roomy and perfect for it but terrible to carry around. Personal is super-handy in the purse but not so much for extensive writing. Do you just add quick notes to it?

    5- Wallet….do you grab your whole sweet-brick-Malden and open it at the grocery store in the line to grab your card? Little papers, stickers and such don't fly away? 😀

    6-How do you organize your notes? If it is a project, do you add the note to that project section, to the day that it is related or to the function of it? If that makes sense at all 😀

    I am soooo looking forward to this! I felt better after reading other people's questions, hehe. I thought you all changed binders mostly for fun not because of real planner failure! *aham* planner struggles, I meant 😀

    Thanks J for opening up this chichat!

  11. How full is your binder, exactly? How many sheets do you have in each section? How many weeks/months' worth of diary pages? This part flummoxes me the most, I think, in general – people talk about how they have all these sections and I wonder how big they actually are, because if I tried that I feel like my Filofax would be SO STUFFED!

    WHAT exactly lives in your binder vs other places? How do you use your Filofax day to day?

  12. I think that is something most people deal with- I'll be answering what I've found works for me!

    You've got me thinking that maybe I need to do a video of my binder set up…. hmmm….

  13. Oh, I absolutely love this Dr Phil-ofaxy Bloginar!!!! I am totally ready to believe that you're able to run your planning life with just one binder. What I don't understand is how you live without designated Filofax binders? To give you an impression of my collection: A5 with school related notes on kids , A5 with ebooks and printed out ecourses from Leonie Dawson, A5 with 2013 Leonie Dawson Workbook (doubling as blog planner). Fat A5 with work related lists , notes and archival pages (non-calendar).
    Another question: please admit to using at least one large notebook for work…..

  14. I'll definitely admit to using a large notebook (a legal pad, actually) for work. I only use one PLANNER, but I take plenty of outside notes.

    More to come soon…

  15. oh, one legal pad – for work! No, I don't count that :p
    Still, you are a a super-hero-collected-and-together-planner-extraordinare!

  16. I think it's because Filofax has so many in the style that I like and they have awesome sales! FC hardly ever has any good sales. Plus I don't like most of the FC binders. They're either too small, too big, zippered (I hate zippered), unpleasant fabric (I prefer leather) or have lots of frou frou on the front (buckles, etc.) When I need a new binder, it takes me a couple of years usually to get one. I just have to wait until they offer one I like. I'm very picky but FF has a lot that I love. A lot.

    Maybe I should try harder to make the Malden or Holborn or Aston work with my FC pages.

  17. Yeah, I think that's why I haven't fully gone FC… I just don't like most of the binders. I have an old FC 365 one, but it's not leather.

    Hence I'm still happily with Malden 🙂

  18. I currently am using a beautiful purple personal Malden with FC 2PPD – and the tabs sticking out drive me nuts! They are also getting bent from my pen. I so love the beauty and more sophisticated style of the Filofax line, but I've also been a FC user since … gulp… 1987 I think. I discovered Filofaxes on a business trip to London in 1998, and loved to frequent the Covent Garden shop, where I bought my favorite ever Filofax, a gorgeous blue Piccadilly. I'd still be using it but the clasp has almost worn out. Anyway – I've just ordered a compact FC Lucca on sale, and am contemplating ordering the Ava, which as of today is 40% off. Patty – do you like your Ava? I'm concerned it will be too clunky, but maybe that's the price to pay for big rings. Sigh… I really really like the 2PPD format and the quality of FC paper. I've given myself this year to experiment and explore!

  19. I'll be looking forward to reading this J! Great idea.

    I'd like to hear your view about: 1. Fickleness and temptation of a miscellany of design options 2. Accepting not so good paper quality and design in lieu of a planner that works best for you. I've learned you can't always have both and I'm not happy about it! 3. How to resist change when you find a something you don't like about your planner because this can be an endless process. Having trouble with editing, sorry.
    I have a similar situation as Homemakersdaily. When I used Franklin Covey I didn't switch around much but I tired of the bulk of them. This all changed with Filofax. I began to developing a rather large collection. I'm thinking that it's because their binders are so enticing but when it comes to their function, paper quality and paper design they become problematic.

  20. I find this interesting – because I also use the same binder in the same size and have done for years. I started with a domino pocket in 2003, kept it until 2009 when i stopped using filofax. Came back in 2010 and have stuck with that same pocket malden ever since. I find it interesting how often some people change organiser, organizer size and even brand. I did buy an A5 binder last year in prep for a class I am taking, however the class required A4 size filing so it has remained unused. I dont know if I want to sell it or not. When it comes to filofax I find it interesting as well that there are really not many inserts to play around with, yet people struggle to choose the ones they use. I think as Ray said- many people enjoy setting up a binder and have a large enough disposable income to buy a new one as the desire.

  21. No particular questions come to mind as most of the good ones have already been asked. But, I'm SUPER excited to start reading your answers and learning more about your system. 🙂

    I, too, am currently in my personal crimson Malden. In general, I love the Malden range. I'm a "one planner" gal in a sense in that I've used pretty much the same organization system within my planner but switch binders on occasion just because I get bored with color/style.

  22. I completely agree! I think sometimes the bigger problem is merely the desire for something new instead of actual system failure!

  23. And that's completely fine! I definitely am not saying that change is bad- it's just that many people want to stay in one binder and don't know how 🙂

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