The (truly) crazy life

Has it already been over a week since I’ve done a “real” post? I feel like I’ve been apologizing for slacking in updating the blog a lot this summer. But when my Filofax (aka life) looks like this
 And my house looks like this
It’s a bit hard to focus on much else. I know I always say I’m busy, but this is insane. As in, I feel guilty even if I sit on the couch for five minutes to rest at 11:55 p.m. insane. We’ve literally been working/packing/planning/running around like crazy people from sun up till sun down for quite a while now. 
On the flip side, we are getting a lot done. That photo above isn’t even what our dining room looks like anymore- we’ve spent most nights this week packing our apartment up so it is even more crazy and full. Sounds like a bad thing, but it means progress!
We’re also making progress on the wedding front – we met with the manager of our ceremony site again yesterday just to make sure we were all on the same page. It’s still as beautiful as we remembered!
I cannot wait to walk down that aisle! It was also probably a cruel, yet beneficial, twist of fate that it was pouring yesterday when we went to meet at the farm; the rain allowed us to really see what our back up rain plan looked like in action. I’m still doing dances to the rain gods for a clear, beautiful day, but at least we know the pavilion will be a more than sufficient back up if this drought decides to end on September 8.
This weekend promises more of the same insanity- Brian is shooting weddings today and tomorrow, so I’ll be on my own for the first half of the weekend. I’ll be spending it running errands, finalizing some details on bridesmaids gifts, catching up on episodes of Chopped now that our cable is working again, and packing up as much as I can without Brian around.
On Sunday, we’re going to load up the Subies with and make our first official trip over to the house. We’re hoping to get two trips in with both cars, followed by some time sorting everything out. Then next Wednesday through Sunday, we’ll use our cars and his Dad’s big truck to bring over all of our larger items. Hopefully it will be looking a bit more like home by next Sunday. A part of me is getting a bit sad to be leaving our first “together place” but I know that only great things will come from the awesome opportunity to live in a real house! 
Are any of you struggling to keep your head above the proverbial water? Please don’t tell me I’m alone out here!



  1. Totally agree! I literally couldn't get half my to do list done last night because everything I needed was already packed away in boxes! Oh well, off to do more packing today!

  2. The selected zone for wedding is looking truly amazing! And the entire stuffs of the room what you've mentioned disordered isn't looking so bad indeed (as I'm also a sluggish person and my room is more than it ;)). Good wishes for the new life in a new home :).
    moving boxes

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