The first was a very small shower on Thursday, with a few of my soon-to-be-mother-in-law’s work friends. I have only met a few of them once, so I was totally blown away when they wanted to throw a shower. But it was a ton of fun! It was at the host’s home, so it was very simple, but elegant and wonderful all at the same time.
Then the ‘main event’ on Saturday rolled around. Brian’s aunt/godmother and grandma threw this one, and it was absolutely amazing. I was a bit nervous about being the center of attention, but it was such a fun day I barely thought about it.
That’s me with some of the most amazing ladies I know. Brian’s little sister Julie is on the left, and Auntie Cheryl and Nana are on either side of me- they are the amazing ones who put together the whole shower. Brian’s incredible mom Mary Jo is on the far right.
And of course life wouldn’t be complete without these ladies- my bridesmaids! From left to right is Brian’s sister Julie, my friend from the sixth grade Alexandra, my little sister Jade, Me, my friend from kindergarten Whitney, and my friend from college and maid-of-honor Casey. I couldn’t be happier to have them all in my wedding.
Much to his dismay, this guy couldn’t get out of making an appearance at the shower. He didn’t stay for the whole thing, just came at the end to be doted on by the girls and to help me open presents. Isn’t he handsome?
Speaking of presents, I apparently make some really weird faces when opening them. I’ll have to keep my weird faces in check when it comes time for wedding photos. Apparently I just get really excited about new sheets…
Anyway, it was an incredibly beautiful day, and a day that I never really expected. I cannot express enough thanks to all of those that came, and helped put it together. And I also have to thank Brian for his incredible Subaru packing skills!
Unfortunately our “wedding pile” seems to be beyond organization at this point…
On another note, I apologize for the lack of “real” posts lately- I hope the Crazy Life pictures are keeping you updated. I promise I’ll find the time soon for some wedding and house updates- there are a lot of them! Thank you for being patient 🙂 And while I’m finding time for posting, are there any wedding or new house related topics that you would like to have me cover? Share in the comments!