I used to knit- in fact I learned in Girl Scouts! But I could just never get used to it- one row would be impossibly tight, the next would be falling off the needles. So I gave up (which is very unlike me!). Then, a few years ago, I decided I wanted to learn crochet. For some reason it is impossible for me to learn from books, so I turned to the savior of my generation: YouTube. Yep, you read that right- I taught myself to crochet by watching other people online!
These days, I can read a pattern pretty well and can even make up some of my own. But I still turn to the Internet every time I need to learn a new stitch or method.
So, what does this all have to do with a crappy, cold November day? Well, just about everything! For some reason, I’ve always binge crocheted- I’ll go crazy with projects for a few months, then I won’t touch a crochet hook for equally as long. And my crochet frenzies always seem to fall right around this time of year… my guess is because it gets too cold and nasty outside to do much other than sit inside curled up in front of the fireplace! Plus, with all of the amazing scarf/hat/winter gear patterns out there, how can one resist? For all of these reasons, not to mention sheer boredom, I pulled out my hook kit last night and started a new project: an over-sized cowl in beautifully soft, vintage looking yarn. I promise, I’ll share it with you when it’s finished. In the meantime, here are a few of my past projects:
I know my crochet pen bag has appeared here before, but I don’t think I’ve shared these:
A poof-ball hat I made for my friend’s adorable baby, Logan. You should have seen the first poof I made- it was bigger than his head- oops!
The pumpkin hat I made last year for my niece, Lane. Her and her twin sister, Lucy, were the stars of the pumpkin patch with their matching hats 🙂
And here’s Lucy, sound asleep on the baby blanket I made each of them- perfectly matching but with different colored trim so they can always tell them apart so there’s no fighting someday!
I’m considering the idea of starting to put some of my creations up for sale, via Etsy or otherwise. Mr. B thinks it is a bad idea, and that it’ll turn something I do for fun into work. I disagree, and feel that if I only offer for sale items I’ve already made (instead of doing a per order type thing) that it would be a way for me to make a bit of extra cash doing something I love. I do believe that if I accepted orders I might get overwhelmed, but how many extra scarves can a girl have laying around the house???
What do you all think, lovely readers? Would it be worth it to try selling a few odds and ends here and there, or am I heading in a direction towards disaster?
Wow! I didn't know you knew how to make all those things! I'm still on my basic girl scout knitting skills…I've made a lot of straight up and down scarves! My mom does etsy and she really likes it because you put your things on and they stay there for a few months rather than a set time like ebay and you don't have to constantly be checking it to see if someone has bid on your stuff. I think it's nice to have a little extra money for yourself, doing something that is just yours, that you really enjoy doing. Go for it! And tell me your etsy site when you do! P.S. crochet bridesmaid's gifts would be nice…just sayin' 😉
Haha! I am apparently keeping all kinds of secrets from you! New car, hobbies… wow we need to talk more 🙂
I'll definitely tell you my etsy site if I ever make one, and I've already considered crochet bridesmaid's gifts 😉
The pumpkin hat is absolutely adorable!
I think your idea of making things first and then posting them on Etsy if you feel like trying to sell them is a reasonable one; the pressure to produce is low, but you have the possibility of making a bit of cash.
Very nice work, J! I have to say that I do the same thing with my knitting – I will work on projects for a while and then leave them for a long time. It's more due to lack of time or a busy schedule than it is a low desire to knit. People keep telling me I should learn to crochet, that it's easier than knitting. Maybe one day I will, when all of my current projects have been finished. Right now I'm working on hats for a friend's kids. She has four kids – I have two hats done, am in the middle of the third, and still have the fourth to do. Maybe some time in the near future…
@spacetosimplify- Thank you! I NEVER thought I'd be able to make things like this- I was amazed at how simple it can be! Plus, my sister said she saw an identical hat in a boutique by her place- for $25!!! I think it's about time I start stockpiling some creations 🙂
@Kanalt- See, I could never get used to knitting… granted I haven't tried in years, but crochet has just always seemed to make more sense to me. Yay for home made gifts- aren't they always the best???