Isn’t it just beautiful? It’s the N/S Tote by Fossil, a company who I adore. I wanted to go for an all leather handbag, but my budget just couldn’t swing it. Turns out, I’m falling in love with the coated canvas of this bag- I don’t have to worry if it is raining or I set it down in something less than desirable. Plus, the straps are super thick and make the bag comfy to carry. And take a look at this:
Yep, that’s right! The little canvas bag on the front clips off to become its own clutch! Have you heard a better reason to justify shelling out money on a handbag than being able to say you got two bags for the price of one? I don’t think so. Plus, since I’m using the whole thing as a work bag/purse, it is really nice to be able to snap off the front part if I need to run into a store or something like that on my way home. Not to mention the pattern on both parts is beautiful and fun!
Let’s take a peek inside:
Yep, I’m carrying a bunch of junk again, but honestly it still isn’t that bad! Plus, I usually don’t have magazines with me at all times- the extra space is usually used for work documents or a sweater since we are starting the Chicago deep freeze!
Here’s a breakdown…
Top Row (from left):
– Usually some sort of magazine, right now Brides Chicago and Chicago Style: Weddings
– My Bobble water bottle, which someday soon will get it’s own post
– Coach change purse, used for cash & coins
– Gum!
Bottom Row (from left):
– Malden!
– Kindle (2nd generation) w/ leather cover
– Glasses case… I need them for reading and computer work
– Crocheted pen case
– Car and house keys, which are normally clipped to the front of the bag so I can find them easily!
The yellow clutch contains a small purple pocket mirror, my business card case, sunglasses, chapstick, and a spare hair tie.
Finally, in keeping with What’s In My Bag tradition, here’s another picture of Frankie! We are trying to avoid turning on the heat, but since he just got a haircut, he needed a sweater to keep warm!
What couldn’t you live without in your fall/winter bag?
I hope Frankie likes his sweater… very smart too.
Haha, Steve! He honestly doesn't seem to mind it! I never thought I'd be putting a dog in a sweater though…
Ahhh! I love the sweater! Jip needs something for Halloween! You are doing great if that is all in your bag…I have a couple fossil bags and the one I am using right now has the coated fabric as well…it lasts forever. My purse is like a mini drugstore (migraine med, tums, pepto, gas-ex, ibuprofen, sudafed…) I also have about 7,000 receipts and bits of paper, it's a big mess. I lose my work keys in the bottom everyday and have to pull everything out to find them.
My bag is always the same, content wise. And I've been able to stay very light since Zoe's post, carrying less than half what I used to, which means lots of empty space in my very large bag. But I like that … I can find stuff easily in the cavernous space now, and that wasn't the case before. Oh, yeah, one seasonal addition: gloves.
I love dog sweaters! He looks so cute.
Your bag is awesome too, especially the little part that hooks on and off – two bags for the price of one. Woo hoo!
@Whit- Haha! That's why I'm trying to stay organized! We'll see how long it lasts. But yeah, the coated canvas is awesome!!!
@Roanne- My bag also typically stays the same, with some things coming and going every now and then. I also love carrying a large bag with few things in it- makes it perfect for sweaters, and you've got it- gloves!
@Kanalt- Thanks! He does look pretty cute in it!