I simply can’t get around how much I don’t like the Filofax Day Per Page pages. Don’t get me wrong- their spaciousness is lovely. But they are completely unstructured, which just doesn’t help keep me organized. And I won’t even mention the horrendous paper quality. So, it’s simple right? I was between Filofax DPP and DayTimer Day on 2 Pages. Or am I?
Well, now that the FF pages are out, can I simply call it quits and go with the DT pages? Of course not. And I (lovingly) blame Zoe for that. You see, Zoe does not merely accept the faults of an insert as a fact of life. Instead, she makes her inserts work for her, regardless of what the rules say. And I envy her ability to be such a rogue.
You see, Zoe uses a beautiful Franklin Covey daily in her Filo (for now, at least). Are they a half inch too wide? You bet. Has that stopped her? Nope. So that got me thinking- could I deal with the page size for the ideal layout?
I’ve decided to try. No, I didn’t order them. I had some old FC dailies lying around so I’ve put half a year in the Malden with my current FF dailies. Here’s my thought: if I can get used to them, and really like the layout, maybe I can deal with the page size difference if I keep my diary at the back of my Malden instead of the front. That way, even if my pages aren’t all the same width, at least the smaller pages would all be in the front, keeping my obsessive compulsive brain happy.
Here are the FC’s I’m looking into:
These pages seem ideal: They have some space for appointments (I don’t need much) and plenty of space for notes and to-do lists (which I definitely need). But, of course we have the half inch too wide issue…
Here are the DayTimer Day on 2 Pages again:
Yep, these have plenty of space… but maybe too much. While I love the separation for to-do, notes and appointments, I worry that two whole pages is just too much real estate. Although I do have a lot to plan this year between my upcoming promotion and wedding, do I really need two pages? Part of me loves the idea of having my grocery lists, phone call notes, and all the details integrated right into my planner pages. The other part of me is having some difficulty coming to terms with the likelihood that I’ll only be able to carry three months at a time.
What’s a girl to do?
Lovely readers, will you please help me yet again? I know I threw your opinions out the window last time, and for that I am sorry. But I need you to think of all the reasons I should pick one or the other. So, if you would be so kind, please vote in the poll to the right, and feel free to add any additional comments, quips, thoughts, etc. in the comments!
You are all the best, and I promise this time I’ll make a decision!
um…i'm sorry and you're welcome ?!
personally, i find the FC 1 day per page inserts ideal. you could try trimming the interior blue strip off & re-punching (as that is the bit that has the holes) but i would submit that it is precisely the fact that the pages are 1/2" wider that makes them so nice & roomy. hole real estate does not interfere with writing real estate, if that makes any sense.
you could go all FC…they do make tabs and other forms (this is what i've done to avoid the whole "where do i put the wide pages so as not to drive myself insane" issue) or, as you said, you could try them in the back.
and not to be a total pain in the butt, FC does have a couple more 1dpp options for 2012 so check out the website.
using the FC 1dpp inserts, you can fit 6 months (if you have other sections too) which is better than 3. chances are, even with a wedding to plan, you won't need all the details (grocery lists, phone call notes, etc) of the 2ppd DT format actually WITH YOU every day, so you could stick a blank note sheet in between days with the FC ones if you found yourself occasionally needing 2 pages for an especially busy day.
AND, if you use a malden & slip the pen into the note pad holder in the back rather than use the pen loop, if you do go all FC, your tabs won't even get bent. just sayin'.
i'm going to vote FC (whether monticello or one of the new designs) because when it comes right down to it, ideal page layout wins.
ps that rogue comment totally gave me goose bumps : )
Haha! Sorry for the goosebumps.
Yeah, I thought about cutting down the pages, but I remember Kanalt trying that and saying it kinda ruined the whole point of the design. I could also get all new inserts, but I'm kinda loving my tabs and don't know if I could leave them behind. So far today, the idea of having the larger FC diary pages in the back isn't bothering me too much- we'll see if that continues. I just can't make up my mind on 1DPP versus 2!
don't be sorry…they were GOOD goosebumps!! i haven't been a rogue anything for like, two decades or so ; )
i actually really liked the photo you tweeted of the FC's in the back…enough to try it myself actually. i like how it breaks the book up into a tabbed section part and a calendar part, and with your colored tabs vs the plain of the FC monthly tabs it looks cool & deliberate.
now who's the rogue, eh? huh? (wink!!)
Lol, I only learn from the best!
And I'm really digging the layout too- definitely different but it seems to work for whatever reason! I'll think about it for a bit longer, but it's looking like the FC's are coming out on top!
Hi J,
From those two, I like the FC better.
However – and my apologies beforehand for adding to your confusion instead of reducing it – myself I am really a sucker for the Succes brand DPP layout (preferably in cream).
It looks just like the FF "business" layout (which unfortunately only seems to be available in A5), but the paper quality is better IMHO as ink does not bleed through and it adds a nice touch by adding a quote at the bottom of each page. Works like a charm for me!
The sizes are described differently, but Steve Morton summed it up nicely here: http://philofaxy.blogspot.com/2011/09/diary-inserts-for-2012-part-2.html
I hope I did not just contribute to many sleepless nights… ;o)
Hi Rene! Thanks for the apologies, but don't worry about it at all 🙂
I think that anyone who reads my blog knows I can't make up my mind anyway, so it's not like an additional option will mess me up! I do like the Succes DPP layout, but unless I'm going crazy, it still looks pretty open w/ timed slots and then some other blank boxes. I might be looking at the wrong thing, but it seems that it isn't much more structured than what I have now.
I think for what I'm looking for, I need a more structured layout. Thanks so much for mentioning it though- I've never checked out their stuff before and they might be something to consider for future use!
And how about the Daytimer Do1P? Unless you are bothered by the hourse in the MIDDLE of the page (can really don't get why they do that!). Still, it's only 1 page per day AND the correct size.
And if you fancy color you could go with the Flavia inserts (laughs viciously …..)
Haha! Yeah, the flavia's might be a bit much for me! And I thought about the DT DPP, but I HATE that line down the middle- it makes the two bottom boxes useless!
I know from Twitter than you've sort of already made up your mind, but I have to say that between these two, I think the FC is much better. First, I like the layout and color scheme better. plus, with only one page per day, you get more space than you currently have but not too much space. And I actually like the monticello theme, though I can see that they might not go well with every binder out there. I hope the width isn't a problem for you because we all know how they went for me… good luck!
Yeah, I really like the monticello pages. And I was surprised how much I liked the two different page sizes in my binder- hopefully it won't bother me too much in the long run!