This is mainly because I haven’t really taken the time to delegate what colors should be used for each aspect of my day. I have read many blogs where the writers have perfectly tuned systems for their color coding, and am hoping to gain from their experiences.
At this point, I pretty much only have black delegated to writing in timed appointments- the rest of my colors are used based on what is closest and my mood at the moment!
So, tell me, what do you use your colors for, and/or what should I use my colors for? Just for reference, I always carry black, blue, orange, purple and pink. I also carry my Lamy, but since the color changes every few weeks, I usually reserve it for special events or general note/letter writing.
Please comment below on how you use your colors or how you think I should use mine!
p.s. My apologies on the crappy photography- these were taken on my phone since my card reader is at home!
I am using the pilot g-2 pens (in both 7mm and 5mm).
Here it goes:
purple – me
red – DH
pink – DD
sapphire blue – DS
azure blue – DP
green – house/home
brown – Other & DH's family
black – Other & my family
where the following abbreviations are used: DH (dear hubby), DS (dear son), DD (dear daughter, DP (dear puppy). Also, I have a key/legend in one of my permanent pages for reference, just in case, I stray.
Initially, I got the idea from @sjl1974 on twitter – there was a photo of her pens with labels that specified a dedicated use.
Aspire, I'm just so grateful that you added an explanation to the abbreviations … DH and DP would otherwise have appeared very odd … or just very modern!
On color coding: I think it's best to first make a list of the different types of entries and then assign the colors.
In my weekly pages I have purple for appointments, pink for reminders (parents back from vacation / take garbage out (those two examples are by no means related BTW)), turquoise for birthdays, lime for TV programs I want to watch or record etc etc
Those "falafel" Fixion pens – I can't find them anywhere!!! I have found only the black ones, but it's the colors I need. But, wait! I just did a search on JetPens – they're back in stock – woo hoo!
Anyway, I agree with Jotje – you first need to identify the areas that will get colors. Which colors go with which area can then be decided. I have the following:
Blue gel pen – everyday notes and to-dos
Red Sharpie – work items
Purple Sharpie – personal info
Green Sharpie – due dates
Orange Sharpie – reminders (birthdays, anniversaries, etc)
Blue Sharpie – exercise/health info
That's all I need really, so it works out.
Hi J!
I enjoyed meeting you and catching up on your blog posts from the meet-up.
I've got a Pentel Rolly 4-color pen so I'm able to switch the colors quickly.
Here's the coding I use:
Black -> work appts. and to dos
Blue -> Extra notes (changes in meetings, people taking PTO, etc.)
Red -> Crossing off to dos! Or important follow up notes.
Green -> Phone calls, work project notes or other work day "diary" records
Purple (a TUL pen I carry with me too) -> Family, kids or other after work events / activities.
tbqh i use a lot of colors…like a LOT of colors. i use 2 pilot hi-tec-c coletos with 4 chambers each = 8 colors. i also use a pilot hi-tec-05 in grey and a kura toga pencil.
here is how it is supposed to work
grey – standard, anything goes
orange: general nyc events OR travel info like flights
purple: jewish stuff
green: anything that involves $ (work)
blue: columbia stuff
turquoise: individual assignments for classes or student gov stuff
pink: entertainment & social activities
brown: back up for grey
pencil: tentative items
….but this isnt the case everyday.
I use 2 4 color bics. Blk, blue, red, green, lime green, turquoise, pink and purple.
Green=Money (pay days etc.)
Red=REALLY important stuff, MUST do's
Black=(usually only underlining, circling stuff, I don't like black ink)
Blue=Everyday stuff, notes appt's etc.
Purple=Gratitude lists and the odd note that I want to make stand out from the blue ink.
Lime Green=(don't use this much, it's really light. Maybe just to highlight other notes)
Turquoise=To make stuff look pretty 🙂
Pink=Me, fun stuff, things I love
I love the way my pages look when I use the colors, and I use my Filofax as more of a "log book" than to do list or appt. calendar, so sometimes I just use colors willy nilly :O)
Color coding is great though, it really makes things easier to see at a glance, instead of having to hunt for items.
@kanalt Um, how in the heck did/do you use Sharpies on Filofax paper??? Mine bleed through straight away and make a mess.
Hi J, I have just started doing this using the pilot pens:
Red – birthdays/anniversaries
Purple – work
Green – personal
Turquoise – My husband
Orange – provisional dates
I can't remember what I decided for the rest (I wrote them down but don't have them to hand just now!). As others have said – just write down the different types of entries you have, then assign colours – you'll find after a while that they will become second nature.
@Rori – the Sharpie pens, not the markers. Yeah, no way would they work!
Hi J,
I am very basic:
appointments/notes are written in blue (both pen or fountain pen, which ever I have handy)
do-not-forgets get a *
if I know I have previously forgotten a * then I underline it in blue as well
if there are repercussions if I forget a * then I circle the appointment including the beginning and ending time
I try to write appointments that I feel/fear will be changed in pencil so I can easily erase them.
Hence, my calendar has blue (pen/fountain pen) and grey (pencil)
See, I told you I am very basic (read: boring!)
o.O I just use whatever colour pen I grab! I always mean to sit and devise a colour scheme, but never have. I know I don't like to see all one colour ink on my page, though. Too boring.
Hi, first time I'm posting but been reading your blog for a while. I too color code based on "area of my life". I use 2 Pilot Coleto 5-Barrel pens, which has been key for me, so I only carry around 2 pens. The color coding came pretty naturally so I have never forgotten what color to use for whatever. But I have it written on a Post-It stuck on my Diary page in case I do forget. Here goes:
PURPLE = TV shows
TURQUIOSE = My home decor business
GREEN = Financial
BROWN = Household
ORANGE = Events
BLUE = General stuff
BLACK = Bills
PENCIL = Tentative stuff
Good luck and Enjoy!
Thanks for reading, and commenting, doris98! I love interacting with my readers 🙂
I am so tempted by the coletos, but they don't carry them in any stores around me. I know I could order online, but I'm one of those strange people who would rather purchase in store! Plus, I've heard that the ink can run out fairly quickly- I don't want to have to reorder all the time!
And wow, you have quite the color system going! I thought I had a lot with mine. But I'm glad it's working for you!