Oops! It has been a whole week since my last post. Well, as the title says, I have been pretty swamped. Between work, upcoming holiday insanity and two (soon to be three) house guests, I am just barely floating these days.
Yep, I said three house guests. In our new apartment. It all started when B’s cousin decided to come up for a few days before Christmas this year. We were totally cool with it– we were the ones who encouraged him to come. Then B got a call from a friend in Kentucky. The friend had a job interview up here and wanted to know if he could crash with us. Oh yeah, and he is bringing a friend.
Sure, we said. The more the merrier. Then I got to thinking how crazy this was going to be, especially because we both have to work this week and don’t really have time to babysit… er… I mean entertain.
In the end it is all working out. B went to work this morning, his friend went to his interview and I left for work a bit later. The friend of the friend is chilling at our apartment.. still don’t know how I feel about that. B’s cousin gets in tonight- thankfully I will be off work tomorrow and can manage life on the homefront.
Other than the recent insanity, life is going well. We are getting ready for the holidays- still need a few more gifts. Plus I might need a new outfit for the record number of family parties we have to attend!
Pictures of the place (and the Christmas tree!) are still in the works. I just don’t know where time is going. Fortunately this is my last day of work before Christmas and I get to work from home the week following. Hopefully this not only gives me time to get pictures up, but also to make some updates to the blog.
I’m not sure what all the changes will be, but I am planning on renaming the blog and changing the URL. jbhousehunt just doesn’t quite apply anymore. I am not sure what I will change it to, but I promise to give my three or so readers plenty of notice. I also might play around a bit with the design, as it is pretty boring at this point.
Anyway, time to get back to work. I am hoping to get cut loose early today, but I still have a lot to get done before the holidays!