Full apartment, empty wallets

The beginning of December to late January always seems to be a time where people bleed money. Between Christmas presents, birthday gifts and the like, it seems that by February, my bank account is substantially lower.

Couple this with a new apartment and I’m pretty sure my bank account will be empty in a month. Only kidding, I am not at risk for financial ruin. It does seem, however, that a day doesn’t pass where we aren’t stopping at the store, picking up a few odds and ends. A few groceries here, a Christmas present there– it all adds up when you think about it.

Our biggest purchase was of course the TV. Yesterday we spent a bit of money on a new lamp- we didn’t realize until we moved in that neither the bedrooms or living room have any ceiling lighting. The one we purchased also has three shelves, so at least we got more bang for our buck. Of course, we went shopping after going out to dinner (with the lovely Elizabeth and Adrian) so it seemed like we were dropping dimes left and right.

And the shopping isn’t over yet! We still have quite a few Christmas presents to buy and we are always coming across something we need for the apartment. We are actually hitting a few stores tonight after work; mainly for Christmas decorations this time around.

Our main goal tonight is to get our first Christmas tree together. I really wanted a real tree this year and thankfully Brian agreed! But before we can get the tree, we need to stop at the store for a tree stand. Since we are going to the store, I convinced Brian that we also need Christmas stockings (which will look perfect on our fireplace) and I need to get some ingredients for the cookie party we are having on Saturday. I feel a bit like If you Give a Mouse a Cookie writing this. Poor Brian gets to play the part of the exhausted kid as I run around like a tornado.

Anyway, we also need to grab a quick birthday present and I am hoping a Christmas present or two as well. Call me crazy, but I would rather just spend a big chunk of money once that feel like I am swiping my credit card daily. We shall see.

I promise, pictures of the new place are still on my to do list. I just can’t seem to find a minute to take them. Even working from home yesterday didn’t help– I was swamped and was lucky to get a few loads of laundry done. But pictures are definitely on the way. Heck, hopefully I can even get a few of the Christmas tree on here!
